Sunday, February 8, 2015

Ancient Futures: Part 2

Several years ago Ladakh began experiencing a cultural invasion, that some people call Westernization, modernization or development. Before you watch the second half of the film let's see if you can predict some of the consequences of these changes on traditional Ladakhi culture.

You'll need to download four documents from the class files (Effects Wheel, Sample Effects Wheel, Ladakh Situations & Ancient Futures Notes part 2). Choose one of the "Ladakh Situations" that have resulted from the Western cultural invasion: tourism; compulsory schooling; highway development; foreign movies; imports of inexpensive barley and wheat; or the arrival of new retail stores.  Use the effects wheel to document your predictions on how this situation might impact and change Ladakh's culture. Once you've completed your wheel, watch the second half of the film and take notes on which of your predictions came true. You should also list any additional consequences of Westernization that you notice.

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