Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Ancient Futures Part 3

Who or what is to blame for the decline of Ladakhi culture?

"The Case of Cultural Destruction"

This is a complicated crime: A culture that existed in relative peace and harmony for generations is in the process of being destroyed. Greed has replaced cooperation; pollution has replaced care for the earth; insecurity has replaced security; "look out for number one" has replaced family and community.  If this process continues it will destroy a viable, ecologically responsible culture.  The people there will be the big losers, but everyone in the world is harmed at least indirectly when we lose a culture like this.

That's the crime. But who or what is to blame? Let's look at the Defendants:

  • U.S. and European Tourists (for thoughtlessly introducing Ladakh to Western materialism)
  • The Indian Government (for promoting Ladakhi "development")
  • The Ladakhis themselves (for their failure to resist cultural invasion)
  • The Global Capitalist System (for being the economic motor that powers development and cultural invasion)
  • "Modern" ideas (for teaching Ladakhis that their culture was inferior to so-called developed cultures)
  • People in the United States (for unwittingly creating a model of development that spreads and negatively impacts other cultures around the globe)

Reaction Essay

It's obvious that there is plenty of blame to go around, that no one party is solely responsible for the cultural decline of Ladakh.  In a well developed essay, make your case and distribute the blame (think percentages).  Are all the defendants equally liable?  Are any "not guilty"?  The jury is eagerly awaiting your input, so they can make an informed decision.

Your essay should have a clear introduction that discusses what you're attempting to do, in other words (the purpose of the essay).  Then, within the body, assign percentages of blame to each of the defendants.  Make sure you provide the specific "whys" that explain the reasons for each defendant's guilt or innocence.  It is vital that you discuss the evidence that proves the defendants' guilt or innocence.

Finally, your concluding paragraph should serve as a recommendation answering the question: What can be done to stop the destruction of Ladakhi culture?

Essay Length: 11/2-2 pages

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