Tuesday, February 17, 2015


                                                         Why Trade Matters To Me

                                                                    Established 1995

                                           Looking Back at 20 Years of Multilateral Trade

Who is the World Trade Organization?
The WTO is a global organization that deals with the rules of trade between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.
Where is the WTO located?
Geneva, Switzerland
How many countries are members?
160 countries (as of June, 2014)

                                                                     WTO World Map

                                              Members            Members, dually represented with European Union
                                              Observers           Non Members         No official interaction with WTO

WTO’s Primary Functions
• Administering WTO Trade Agreements
• Forum for trade negotiations
• Handling trade disputes
• Monitoring national trade policies
• Technical assistance & training for developing countries
• Cooperation with other international organizations

WTO’s Governance Structure
The WTO has an unusual governance structure in two respects:
1) Each member country has 1 vote in decisions regarding trade rules.
2) New WTO rules are only implemented if unanimous agreement. This makes changing rules
At the heart of the system are the WTO’s agreements. These Agreements are the legal ground-rules for international commerce. The goal is to improve the welfare of the peoples of the member countries.

1) Help to remove or reduce barriers to international trade between member countries

2) Achieve global economic development through optimum utilization of world resources

3) Increase market share of developing countries through assistance in their development efforts

4) Follow a non-discriminatory policy for all member countries

5) Act as a mediator to settle disputes between member countries

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